The term Intellectual Property commonly referred to simply as IP covers a broad spectrum of legal rights. At one end of the spectrum, Intellectual Property (IP) is concerned with the goodwill and the reputation of a trader's business. At the other end of the spectrum, Intellectual Property can also refer to the products created by the human mind. As the term suggests, it is akin to property; it can be owned and it can be disposed of or dealt with by the owner. However, this property is intangible in that it is derived from the creation of one's intellect.
Intellectual Property manifests itself in countless ways. Wherever we go and whatever we go in our daily lives, we are bound to encounter various forms of IP. Just take a look at the cars that we drive or the beautiful paintings that we have at home. IP surrounds one's daily life. As can be seen from the examples, Intellectual Property is multifaceted and involves a great variety of commercial items and products.
The regime of law that protects Intellectual Property can be broadly classified under different areas such as Trademarks, copyright, industrial Designs, Trade secrets, patents as well as the rights associated with Plant varieties. Biz and Legis provides all legal services and solutions for patent and our patent attorneys are specialists in complete all requirements for patentability and the steps involved in obtaining and protecting a patent.
It is important to own IP rights, such as trademarks, copyright, industrial designs and trade secrets from patent office. Each of these categories of Intellectual properties has its own legal formalities to complete.
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