Document Review is required in many works. It is a very important step in litigations, during mergers and accqusitions and for many other works.
Document review is necessary in the discovery stage of litigations. In this the documents are assessed for relevance .The review is done on the basis of:
• Relevancy
• Privileged
• Confidentiality
• Specific issues
The review of the documents helps in identifying the crucial and important documents for the purpose of litigation. Document review is to be done carefully so that no document which is important is misplaced or mislabeled.
Document is a written instrument which may be used as evidence in a court. A document of title gives the persons holding it authority to deal with the goods represented thereby. Public documents are documents of public record eg; statutes, judgements, records of births, death and marriage etc. Privat documents include wills, deeds, etc.
Review is the power of a court or a superior Government officer or agency to examine, and either confirm, modify or annul, a regulation or determination of an inferior court or official, or of an administrative agency.
The power of a court in some states to examine or cause to be examined a proposed act of an administrative agency. The power ot correct errors apparent in a court record.