Patent renewal is necessary if you intend to protect your rights so granted by virtue of the patent. Patent right is granted for a certain period of time, at the expiry of which the patent has to be renewed. If not renewed as and when due your patent rights would expire. Patents must be renewed as and when the renewal date is due so that your rights with regard to the patents are well protected.
Patent is granted for a certain period of time. At the time of expiry of such term the patent has to be renewed for another term in order to extend the time period to protect the invention. At the time of renewal a renewal fee is to be paid in this regard. Such fees are to be paid every year or in advance. If such fees are not paid within the prescribed time limit then it could result in the Patent being not renewed. But the same can be renewed after such expiry but there is a time limit prescribed for such renewal also. An application is to be made in this regard. We at Biz and Legis would provide you with services related to renewing your patent as and when the time period granted to the patent expires.
The significance to renewal of patents by business organizations are substantially increasing nowadays and so the renewal of patent has become some more complicated also. Maintenance of existing patents, drafting of highly detailed applications for new patents and increase in patent litigation coalesce to use up a lot of your time and resources. We, at Biz and Legis, can remind you of your patent renewals so that you may concentrate on more productive activities. We can provide you with reminder of renewal of your patents, be it any country, as required by the laws of your country.
Patent renewal, a principle of patent practice, is designed to create revenue for the country and to cause patents that are not renewed to expire. Renewal fees are those fees that are paid to keep a granted patent in force. The main purpose of paying the renewal fees is your desire to continue with the patent protection till the end of the term.
Patent Owners
Prospective owners
Biz and Legis offers you the following services in relation to Patent Renewal :-
1- Closely monitor your patent renewal deadlines and accordingly issue you reminders on the same;
2- Our specialized knowledge in this field, IT resources and experience would also help us to provide you with advance warning on the precise documentary requirements and fees involved in renewing a particular registration, no matter what the jurisdiction.
3- Expert advice as to payment of renewal fee on which patents would be most appropriate. This will be done taking into account your evolving commercial interests. Such advice will help you to make informed decisions about which patents to retain and which to sell, and at what valuation. The advice provided to you will be on the basis of value of your patent in relation to the market value. Such an advice will act as a safety net and ensure that you, considering abandoning of certain patents, are not selling or otherwise orphaning assets that may remain potential revenue sources.
The Patent Attorneys at Biz and Legis are well versed in the field of Patent laws of all countries and hence, can, with their experience, assist you in renewal of your patents. We assure you reminders on time for the same along with advance warning of any documentary requirements, if any. Thus, our services will ensure that you obtain maximum value from your IP assets, either through their sale or enhanced protection in them.
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