Trademark is a unique identity granted to the trademark owner. When such a trademark is used without the permission of the trademark owner it amounts to trademark infringement.
Trademark owner has the exclusive right over the mark. The unauthorized invasion to this right results in trademark infringement. The use of an already registered logo, word, design, shape, numerical or a combination of any of these by the unauthorized user is an unauthorized invasion. You can sue such unauthorized user for trademark infringement.
In similar manner if you choose any name, logo or any other mark for your use without a trademark search and the same is already registered then you can also be held liable for Trademark infringement as you violated the exclusive right of the trademark owner.
1. Trademark owner,
2. An innocent user of a registered trademark.
We provide the following services in this regard:
1. Trademark Owner
If you are the trademark owner then we provide you with the following services:
We analyze the case at hand and determine:
• Whether the use of the registered trademark amounts to infringement – If the use has caused confusion in the minds of the consumers and the same has resulted in a significant damage to your business and name.
• The specific legal remedies available to you in this regard.
Legal recourse
Legal advice
Legal advice on how to further prevent Trademark Infringement instances in future.
2. Innocent User
If you are the innocent user who has by mistake encroached upon the exclusive right of the trademark owner, then we would help you in the following manner:
Our experienced trademark attorneys with their keen analytical skills and in depth knowledge of trademark law have done wonders in this area. The legal documents so drafted in order to remedy your grievances caused due to trademark infringement are of superior quality. The documents would be clear, precise with strong and valid grounds for the protection of your rights. We would provide you with a fast and cost- effective service.
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