Trademark search is an important step in protecting your trademark. It is so because trademark search gives you a clear idea as to whether there exists any mark similar to yours.
Trademark search is the first step in the process of protecting your trademark. Trademark search is to be conducted in order to ensure that your application for trademark registration is not rejected on the basis of any prior registration.
Trademark Search is the first step in the trademark registration. It is the process of searching whether there is any prior registration or use of the particular logo or mark which you intend to register. Trademark search is done so as to prevent the liability for unauthorized use of a registered trademark. If there already is a trademark with regard to the mark for which you intend to obtain a registration then the application for such trademark registration would be refused. It involves search of registered trademarks of the respective countries and an examination that whether there is any similar trademark anywhere that will result in the rejection of the trademark application.
1. Individual,
2. Business Entity.
We provide the following services with regard to trademark search,
Search the Federal and State registers for similar marks. It includes the comparison of all the trademarks which are registered or pending applications and well known unregistered marks.
We would examine each trademark separately and on the basis of the same prepare a list of:
• Marks with different spelling but has deceptive similarity
• Similar marks which has different font size or any such similarity
• If there is any similar or identical mark then we analyze the mark in detail to determine whether the existence of such a similar mark would result in the rejection of the application for trademark registration.
• Detailed analysis of the description of the similar mark to determine if the owner of such similar mark can make a valid opposition to the application for trademark registration.
We will provide you with a detailed trademark search report which would include the following:
• Determination that the trademark is consistent with the laws of trademark registration of the respective country.
• The report would also include the detailed list of :
Same or Similar Word marks,
Same or Similar Design marks,
Same or Similar Combined marks.
Trademark search is an art of examining thousands of trademarks quickly and identifying similar marks. To determine whether a Trademark is identical to yours or not one needs to have a lot of patience and concentration of high degree to catch and analyze even the minutest of the difference or similarity in trademarks. The other qualities required for trademark search which are of equal importance is the thorough understanding of the Trademark law. Trademark search is conducted with an objective to ensure that there are no similar marks which could result in trademark disputes in future and to further make it concrete that you are not taken to the courts for trademark infringement.
At Biz and Legis we conduct a comprehensive search of the respective trademark databases. We also analyze the non registered well known trademarks. We provide fast and cost effective search to meet your requirements effectively.
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